To colonize Gods Kingdom on earth by using the truths and
principles of God's word through preaching, teaching, outreach,
and fellowship. We will spread the love of God abroad through
out the world through the proclamation and decrees of the
Gospel, to redeem mankind back to Kingdom believing, Kingdom thinking and Kingdom living.
Our Creed
Kingdom Encounter Church
We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons, God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in the virgin birth the historical and sinless life, and the
death burial and resurrection of our king the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that our lord Jesus
Christ is soon to return to the earth and setup his kingdom to reign on the earth. We believe
that we have been called out of the world and have been empowered to represent his
kingdom in this present age. We believe in the preaching of the cross and the demonstration
of the kingdom, that souls will be saved, and lives converted to the kingdom of our Lord Jesus
Christ. We believe that we are partakers of the Lord Jesus Christ and His kingdom. We believe,
the Holy spirit has sent us into this present world as ambassadors to reposition mankind for a
Kingdom Encounter.